Monday, June 18, 2007

Pirate Master

Is it just me or do you not believe Pirate Master?

I think this one is much more managed than Survivor. And edited to an extreme. I think Joe Don, the first captain, was instructed by the producers to screw over everyone in the crew and act like a jerk. We never got confessionals from him explaining what he was doing. We never hear he or his officers discussing the dissatisfaction of the crew. It just didn't strike me as real at all. And then captain number two is Azymuth, who is exactly opposite - the giving captain who divides everything evenly. (And also suddenly adopts a terrible English accent.) I just don't believe these are real choices these people are making without helpful "suggestions". I'm still watching, but where is the truth? The real emotions that we get with Survivor? This just seems all cardboardy, more Big Brother than Survivor.