Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lost Podcast

It’s Wednesday, a good day for several reasons. First, and foremost, it’s new comic book day. Second, it’s midway through the work week. Finally, it means a new episode of Lost. And what goes best with a new episode of Lost? A new Lost podcast!

New Lost podcast you ask? Why yes, new Lost podcast. Each week when new episodes are airing, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, the two main producers and writers of Lost broadcast and air a podcast available at the ABC Lost site. There’s a brief introductory section where someone from the show is interviewed (this week it’s Henry Ian Cusick, who plays Desmond) then the portion with Cuse and Lindelof. They talk about the previous episode, tease the upcoming episode, and answer questions readers post at the ABC message boards. These weekly podcasts are one of the reasons I have not lost (pun intended) faith in the show. They show that the powers that be at Lost do have an overarching plan, even if it sometimes changes, and that they are aware of the pitfalls shows like Twin Peaks and X-Files fell into in the past. Have a listen. It’s about 30 minutes long, and very entertaining. If you're a huge fan, you should go back and listen to the previous podcasts as well.

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