Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thoughts about the Top 12 AI Girls

The problem with writing a post entitled "Thoughts about the Top 12 AI Boys" is that you feel obligated to follow up with a post about the girls even though you're very busy at work. This will only have a few quick comments.

Gina - You didn't hit the note. Don't argue with Simon. I still like you.

Lakisha - I was gushing at my TV last night but today reality has set in. Remember Mandisa? Yeah, no one else does either. Beware the hot start.

Antonella - Get off my TV screen. Please!

Melinda and Stephanie - Love ya. Please stick around.

Hayley and Leslie - I hope you stick around because I think there's potential there.

And you know what else I realized? I prefer listening to male singers over female singers. So if the men continue to suck and the women continue to shine, I may lose interest in this season.

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